PM Exchange Rates
/ EUR 0.933
USD 1.028
GOLD Bid Price /oz:
Frequently Asked Questions
How quickly can I find a lender?
Loans are issued by other participants of the Credit Exchange, so it all depends on how competitive is your offer. Try to make the loan terms attractive to your potential lender, and you will be able to find a lender fast.
What are some ways I can use Perfect Money
Perfect Money is a universal system that was created as a perfect tool for online payments. Here is what you can do using Perfect Money:
- make money transfers between users;
- accept payments in on behalf of various business projects on the Internet;
- make regular payments on the Internet;
- store funds in a secure electronic account and receive interest;
- pay for goods and services in various online stores;
- store your assets in cryptocurrency with no risks and no need to set up an additional wallet;
- buy Bitcoin, gold, USD and EUR currencies online;
- borrow and lend funds on your own terms
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PM Payment gateway plugin
for joomla!®
Even more Shopping Carts available!
Perfect Money together with its partners has developed a large variety of modules
for the most popular Internet shopping carts. Having implemented one of the
modules of API Merchants to your shop/site you will immediately provide your
clients with one more payment option including payment by Perfect Money e-currency,
e-Vouchers and Prepaid Cards, SMS Payments, Bank Wire Transfers.
Plugins for the following shopcarts are available now: ZenCart,
VirtueMart, CS-Cart, PrestaShop, WHMCS, Joomla!, Magento, Wordpress.