Where can I find the list of exchange service providers working with Perfect Money?
The list of our certified partners is always available here: https://www.perfectmoney.is/business-partners.html. We strongly recommend that you use only the exchange services from this list.
How do I enable notifications?
You can enable them in the "Settings" section of your account. Go to the "Notifications" section to configure a wide range of notifications and to indicate the e-mail where you would like to receive them.
Year under the badge of 0. No commission for money transfer in 2008 10.01.08
In 2008 commission fee for money transfer in Perfect Money system will not be charged. No matter whether you transfer money to your business partners, relatives or your friends, now it is free and as simple as to pass them directly into the hands of recipient.
Within coming 12 months any money transfer in Perfect Money system will be charged 0%. You may send your money without any commission to the recipient regardless his location. It is enough just to deposit funds into the system and then to perform transaction on money transfer in section "Send Money" from one of your accounts. Other commissions are available in section Fees.