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E-Currency Payment SystemPerfect Money Payment System

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Buy Gold Metal, Buy USD EURO currency online, Payment System
E-Currency Payment System
fast,easy,comfortable - way to develop your money

PM Exchange Rates

USD / EUR  0.902   |
|   EUR / USD  1.063


USD >> 67931.74   |
|    EUR >> 62566.5

GOLD Bid Price /oz:

USD >> 2339.383   |
|    EUR >> 2154.806

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Frequently Asked Questions

I clicked something and now my history is displayed in a strange way.

You might have accidentally clicked on a filter. There are some other filters in addition to the Object and Action ones including: Created, Subject, Action and Amount. By selecting one of those filters you can change sorting priorities. Use the "Clear filter" button to reset.

Is there a fee for participating in the Credit Exchange?

The Credit Exchange does not charge any additional fees. A lender pays the standard 0.5% fee upon request to transfer money to a borrower. A borrower also pays the standard 0.5% fee upon request to transfer money to the lender. Please note that the fee for unverified accounts equals 1.99%.

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Set up your account individually! New opportunities.

Someone tells about confidentiality in work with finances, others think that publicity and transparency is a key to business success. Now Perfect Money enables every user to set account publicity level individually. In other words now you can make public your contact details, name, phone number, e-mail or account number by one-click touch. It is very important that now you can make your account balance transparent and we are sure that this option will certainly be useful to the owners of online business projects, since company credibility can be expressed only by assets in its accounts.

One more innovation introduced by Perfect Money is SMS sending service which allows sending a message to any subscriber worldwide directly from Perfect Money account. Just consider the comfort and expediency of this option: now you can remind people about payments, send messages offering to open an account with Perfect Money, and get the money that you want to send. You can correspond with your contractors and just to communicate with people.

Perfect Money is constantly changing and our customers know that every new feature introduced by the system makes the activity of a modern businessman on the Internet more and more convenient.

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We’ve turned 14! » 05.10.21

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Perfect Money - new generation of Internet payment system. Payment processor for money transfer. 
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Licensed payment service provider authorized by The Autonomous Island of Anjouan with registration number 15559. Financial license L 15559 / SSD.
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